Severe Asthma Attack Averted with sosPlus!

It was a late morning in September when Jean began having difficulty breathing. Although she hadn’t used her Snapfon ezTWO with sosPlus ® for some time, she knew she needed help fast and quickly pressed her button. Jean was having a severe asthma attack.

sosPlus ® Mobile Monitoring Service Central Station Operator, Brenna, was on the line in seconds, assessed the situation and immediately dispatched the paramedics.

“The operator called me by name and was so nice,” recalled Jean. “It seemed like the paramedics were there in just a few minutes! She stayed on the line with me till help came. It was really comforting.”

Recalling that day with Jean, sosPlus ® Mobile Monitoring Service Operator, Brenna added, “It’s really rewarding to be there for every customer whenever they need us. I’m always happy to talk to them. They express such sincere gratitude. When people panic, I have to keep my composure. The paramedics arrive on site and I say to myself, I actually helped someone today. It’s the best feeling ever.”

Although Jean is much better now, she was in the hospital for five days and is still under a doctor’s watchful care.

“That young lady was so nice, that I had to call back and thank her.” Jean continued, “It meant a lot to me that someone knew my name. It’s just so good to know that I have this button to push. I know it won’t take long to get help if I need it.”

Congratulations to sosPlus ® Mobile Monitoring Service Team Member, Brenna for her great work and also to the providor of Jean’s Snapfon ezTWO with sosPlus ® for providing Jean the independence and comfort that comes from knowing help is always just a few seconds away.

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